Who we are

the makings of a family. imperfect we are. saved by grace we are. loved by our Savior we are. serving Him in faith and action we are. follow us as we strive to magnify the Lord in all we do and are becoming.

Monday, April 13

Water Raffle 2015

back in January i started reading Jen Hatmaker's book Interrupted. So. Good. she is real, raw, and right. you may not agree with everything this woman says, i might not either, but i don't agree with everything i say sometimes. just being honest. anyways back to the point, she talks about actually feeding the sheep. do you remember the story? you can find it in John 21, Jesus is talking to Peter and asking him a very repetitive question. "do you love me?" 3 times he asks Peter and three times Peter answers "yes, Lord, you know i do." Jesus then says, "Feed my sheep." now you can have a good 'ole debate about whether the good Lord literally meant feed my sheep or figuratively or maybe sometimes one way and other times the other. all i know is that HE said it! Jen Hatmaker then goes on to write,

"All of a sudden, I saw my exact reflection in Peter: devoted but selfish, committed but misguided. And that is not going to be enough. It won't suffice to claim good intentions. Saying, "I meant well" is not going to cut it. Not with God screaming, begging, pleading, urging us to love mercy and justice, to feed the poor and the orphaned, to care for the last and least in nearly every book of the Bible. It will not be enough one day to stand before Jesus and say, "Oh? Were You serious about all that?" (pg. 18)

she said it in the book and it is true for me as well, He wrecked my life. in a totally awesome way. i am being challenged to look at my everyday choices differently. to look outside of my easy, comfortable, view of "my" Christianity and to truly seek God. what would HE have me do? now, woah?!?! trust me, He wants you to do something. so get ready if you ask that question. 

enter The Adventure Project and a Water Raffle and a good friend Mandy Houle, to serve as inspiration, and the Lord confirming in soooo many ways what he wants me to do.

i have been reading the book of James the past month. and for about two weeks i was stuck on the first two chapters. the Book is good. one of my favorites...if not my favorite. and right away the Lord impressed upon me a few things.

what do i consider a trial?

and do i consider it a pure joy?

knowing it is testing me and developing within me perseverance, to bring me to maturity in Him?

i began to think about water. how much i value it! how much i use water Each and Every Day. and it is CLEAN. there are thousands upon thousands of people without clean water. they are sick because of this. and one girl, at the age of 4, instead of accepting what was, set out to change things. Diana Keesiga was that 4 year old, who is now a water engineer in Western Uganda working to bring change to communities through fixing broken wells, training well mechanics, and creating long term sustainability through a well caretaker and jobs.

it is AMAZING!!

because of all the efforts last year (the 1st water campaign), Diana has been able to train 109 people to become water well mechanics. together they have fixed 54 wells, brining clean water to 22, 262 people in the District of Kamwenge in Western Uganda.

there are 10 villages left. The Adventure Project's goal is to fund these 10 villages left in this pilot program. as of last night, there are 7 wells (read Villages, with people who need access to clean water) left to be funded.

will you join me in fundraising to fix a well???? my goal is to raise $2,000 which will fund half of 1 well. all the money raised, goes to support this project

if you said YES! and i hope you did, this is how it happens. 

we are having an online WATER RAFFLE!

today, Monday April 13th - Saturday, April 18th you can bid on any item you would like to have a chance at winning. all winners will be drawn on Saturday at 8pm. 

you can Donate HERE!!

then come back to my blog and comment telling me what you would like to bid on and how many times. the first person to bid on each item will get their name in twice for that item.

and of course you can bid on as many items as you like, as many times as you want. we encourage it!

let the bidding begin!

Water Raffle 2015


5 dollar items

* 2 Dozen of the BEST homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies. my wonderful friend and neighbor Cheryl Dunkelbarger will whip you up a fresh batch up these babies. they are good. how good you ask??? we came home last night with 8...there were 2 this morning...they were gone by noon ;-)

i should have taken a picture. sorry.

* Ollie's Ski Trip by Elsa Beskow and a Free Scoop from Ben & Jerry's

    (donated from Kajsa Martynyuk's treasury of favorite things ;-) will ship to continental US


10 dollar items

* wooden plaque. it is nice. and i LOVE the saying. 

* homemade chicken enchilada meal with guacamole and chips

prepared and delivered by melissa martynyuk.

* a hardcover and signed copy of Keith Drury's book Holiness for Ordinary People
    (you can bid on this even if you are not local. he will ship within the US.)

   "coach" as he is referred to almost all that know him, is a down to earth professor who writes A      Lot. i hiked over 800 miles with him and another guy in between college and grad school. most formative experience of my life (before motherhood, that is ;-)


20 dollar items

* Interior Paint Color Consultation:

  with Sarah LeRoux (she is good...her house is her resume)

Two 30 minute, one-on-one design consultations to select a pallet of interior paint colors for a single room or multiple rooms within an open layout in your home. The pallet may consist of colors for walls, doors and trim, ceiling and accents.


25 dollar items

* 60 minute massage with Sarah Kline. a licensed massage therapist. she will come to you!!
   a massage in the comfort of your own home...bliss!


35 dollar items

* a photo session with Dave Bigler. 

The winner can choose between an individual studio session, an individual park session or a family park session (all in Saratoga).  After the shoot they will receive an online gallery of all the images which they will be able to download and print where they want.  

you know you want this one ;-)

* a 45 minute - on location - photo session with Melanie Cumoletti. Out of Eden Images
    you will receive 10 edited images you can print wherever you like.

   she does good work. especially with cute babies. ok, i am partial to the cute baby. he is mine ;-)

there you have it! so excited to be doing this with you.

Donate Here

Bid Here (no link, just come back here and comment ;-)


winners will be randomly chosen Saturday at 8pm EST.

so blessed you are considering joining us, to fulfill Diana's dream.


  1. One bid on drury's book please! Love this so much!

  2. One bid on drury's book please! Love this so much!

    1. you get 2 since you bid first ;-) love you so much!!!

  3. This is awesome Melissa! Cilicia and I just donated $35 and for that we would like to enter the following raffles:

    2 x $5 COOKIES!
    1 x $25 MASSAGE

    (I am hoping for the cookies and guessing Cilicia will want us to bid a few more times on the massage).

    Thank you!

    1. yes to a massage. and the cookies...yum!
      thank you so much Dave & Cilicia

  4. thank you Dave, Cilicia and Mandy!!!! love that you are a part of this.

    so happy be have you guys supporting!!!!

  5. My votes are...

    Drury's book x 4
    Kajsa's book x 4

    Best wishes in hitting and exceeding the goal!

    1. Okay - I meant kajsa's book x 2!!!

    2. thanks Danielle!!!! i got you down for the two different books and the number of bids.

      thank you for supporting this. may Heaven come down!

  6. Dad and I would like to bid on Melanie Photo session x 2; enchilada dinner x 2; and chocolate chip cookies x 2. Love you!

    1. mom and dad, you are the best!!!! this means you will have to come to New York to redeem if you win!

      thank you for your support!!!

    2. You can deliver the enchiladas:-)

  7. One bid for photo session with Dave Bigler, one bid for enchilada dinner, one bid for book and ice cream (sweet Kajsa!). This is great, Melissa :)

    1. Seth & Brittany,

      thank you! thank you! how awesome to have great friends joining this. that Hope would be restored!!!

  8. 2 wooden plaque
    1 massage
    1 Ollie's

    1. got you down Shawne and Vanessa!!!! thanks for supporting this.

  9. 1 bid each for Pics with Dave, enchiladas and cookies, please.

    1. Jeremy, thank you! Thank you!! got you down for the enchiladas and cookies. thank you for your support!!

  10. 1 bid each for Pics with Dave, enchiladas and cookies, please.
