Who we are

the makings of a family. imperfect we are. saved by grace we are. loved by our Savior we are. serving Him in faith and action we are. follow us as we strive to magnify the Lord in all we do and are becoming.

Wednesday, August 26

Kajsa 1 year old

it came and went. the first year of Kajsa's life was full. lots of change, transition, and growth. we celebrated with a low key party. lots of cake, ice cream, and yes presents!


  1. Love the pics - thanks for inviting me into the circle. I will be an occasional visitor.

  2. Congratz to Kajsa reaching 1...wow, a whole year already!!

  3. I can't believe how fast the year went by! Great pictures.

  4. I was checking in to see if you had posted anything new. Wow how I miss you and this little girl! I'm praying for you both during this transition. I miss you!
