It has been a long while since I have written online and in my journal. I realized last night I had not journaled since June 19th. Almost 2 months...and then today I looked online and realized it has been even longer here. So, here it goes. A small glance at where we have gone and what we have done.
We said goodbye to a lot of good friends and special people in Pittsburgh.
Friends from the Waldorf School of Pittsburgh. Kajsa was involved with the Morning Garden all year and we are sad to leave but excited for fall in Saratoga Springs and Kajsa attending the Nursery 3 days each week at the Waldorf School there.
The Waldorf school loves giving children the opportunity to enjoy and be creative outside. Here is Kajsa taking a walk through the "enchanted forest."
Kajsa and Leora are growing by leaps and bounds. Kajsa turned 4 on July 20th and Leora turned the big 6 months on July 21st. We packed up our rental house on July 23rd and headed to NY on July 25th. We made a family road trip out of the move heading to Annville, PA for 2 days with Uncle Ken, Aunt Priscilla, Abby, and Nate's dog Bruno. We enjoyed visiting and playing with cousins Sarah, Ben, Judah, Zeke, and Maeve. Kajsa had a hard time adjusting to the big cows and Bruno but within a few hours of being on the farm, she was loving life. Needless to say, come Friday morning she employed all her stall tactics.
We then headed just outside Washington D.C. to visit a college friend for the day. After church on Saturday we began the final leg of our journey to upstate NY. We are living in a Residence Inn for a little over a month until we close on our Very First Home!! We hope to close August 30th and move in early September after some wallpaper removal and painting.
I will continue to add more pictures to give you a visual of the last few months and the day to day of life in a hotel with 2 kids ;-)
We love you all!
so good to "hear" from you! keep it up :) much love