Who we are

the makings of a family. imperfect we are. saved by grace we are. loved by our Savior we are. serving Him in faith and action we are. follow us as we strive to magnify the Lord in all we do and are becoming.

Sunday, August 7

A long hiatus

so after several very FULL months, here are a few pictures of the fun we have been having.
we are in Pittsburgh for the moment. at some point i am going to chronicle the Martynyuk's adventures this summer. it all began on April 23rd when we went to Cleveland for Easter and the adventure is still unfolding in front of us. thankful God is in control because this summer, even I could not have planned or expected the places we have gone!

 Kajsa and Avery Houle having a blast in CO Springs!

Kajsa experienced another great hike in the Rocky Mountains, complete with a glissade down a glacier. Video to follow!!


  1. i am SO glad i got to see you a couple months ago. how are you? love you!

  2. Rudy!!! I just happened to hop onto your blog. It has been forever since I checked it and I am so glad you are blogging again! You look so happy and Kajsa is beautiful!! So happy for you :)
